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Omnia SST Audio Processing Software

Not Rated Yet Manufacturer Omnia PrintEmail
Sales price $1,238.51
Sales price without tax $1,238.51
Base price $1,238.51
Base price for variant $1,238.51
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• Low-Latency Performance – Using an i7 class processor, latency can be reduced to as low as 5ms.
• The Perfect Declipper – A unique filter, also found in our Omnia.9 and 11 flagship processors. It
detects and reconstructs clipping-damaged audio (distortion caused by too-loud input levels and
overly aggressive mastering), prevalent in music.
• Delossifier – Improves the sound of lossy encoded audio, such as MP3- and MPEG2-encoded audio.
• Dehummer – Removes constant tones such as a 50/60 Hz hum on the fly.
• Hiss Reduction Filter – A powerful hiss-reduction filter that tackles hiss while leaving adjacent
content alone. Especially useful when playing older songs or other noisy content.
• Natural Dynamics – Boosts transients. This mainly boosts percussion instruments, adding more
dynamics, which gives the rest of the processing chain more to work with.
• Automatic Gain Control (AGC) – The ITU.1770-based AGC keeps the sound compliant to a defined
loudness level.
• Bass Harmonics – This filter increases the bass level without increasing the maximum amplitude
of the bass, and adds harmonics that make the bass more audible on speakers with poor bass
• Phase Delay – Purposely adds phase-nonlinearity. Can be used among others to generate a more
boomy bass.
• Bass in Your Face – Intelligently adds missing subharmonics.
• Absolute Highs – Reconstructs missing highs if damaged or removed by lowpass filters.
• 2-9–Band Multiband Compressor / Limiter, x2 – OmniaSST has two multiband compressors that
can be used in series. They have a very natural, pleasant, and non-fatiguing sound. Depending on the
content, they move very quickly when they need to and slowly when they can.
• Phasing Error (AZIMUTH) Correction Filter – Detects and repairs phase-shift errors that are often
present on tape recordings and some badly mastered CDs. These phasing errors can make listening
very unpleasant, and can also cause severe artifacts when converting sound to mono, encoding it
using a lossy codec, or when playing it on a surround system. This filter automatically detects and
repairs such errors. For FM transmissions this can reduce multipath distortion and improve the audio
quality when the radio blends to mono.
• Stereo Booster – Boosts the stereo width. It can be configured to not alter the total sound content.
• Stereo to Mono Conversion – Converts stereo to mono without removing sounds that normally
cancel out during a mono sum. This leaves mono sounding just as full and powerful as the original
stereo sound.
• Distortion Masking Clipper – The same clipper that’s available in the Omnia.9sg. Now with a louder
and cleaner “Rules are made to be broken” mode.
• Lowpass Filter – The extremely steep phase linear lowpass filter can be used to cut off frequencies
• Lowpass Filter – The extremely steep phase linear lowpass filter can be used to cut off frequenciesthat cannot be broadcast, removing unneeded signals from streaming audio, FM and AM transmission.
• Auto EQ —Automatically control the spectrum before the AGC, making it possible to use themultibands to precisely control how deep each band will go down and thus how much density you add,regardless of how the input material sounds.
• μMPX—Allows you to send a full multiplexed FM signal with RDS through a narrow 360kbps pipe.
• Automatic Phase Repair—Utilizes advanced DSP to allow the restoration and control of pure antiphasesignals, rivaling processors costing thousands more.
Units in box: 1
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